January, 2021


Happy 2021!

A sincere Happy New Year to you and your families. We hope you enjoyed our festive lights and activities held around our Great Hometown throughout the holiday season. The beginning of the New Year is a perfect time for us to reflect on the previous one and to determine our resolutions for the upcoming year. 2020 will be long remembered as an unprecedented year of uncertainty and hardship, which tested our community’s strength. As we look ahead, let us focus not on trials but the triumphs of the past year. During this time of social distancing, our community has managed to come together in heart-warming ways. Whether through food distribution events, drive-by parades and birthday parties, and numerous virtual community celebrations. As we look ahead, let us focus on joy, happiness, hope, friends, and family. 

This January we will celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day and pay tribute to his belief that a person’s worth should not be measured by the color of their skin, culture, or class, but rather by their commitment to creating a better life for all and dedication to servicing others.

I encourage everyone to help promote Dr. King’s legacy by searching for opportunities to help others in the community. Remember, no good deed or kind gesture is too large, or too small. To learn about volunteer opportunities in Wellington, visit Wellingtonfl.gov/Volunteer.

Wellington’s Parks and Recreation Department will offer several exciting and activities for the entire family this year. While our events may look a little different this month, as we continue to work together to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we look forward to getting our community back on track after a long year of social distancing.  Visit our website Wellingtonfl.gov for a complete list of events and happenings around Wellington this month.

If one of your resolutions is to get outside, stay active, and have some fun, spending more time at our wonderful local parks will keep you on the right track. Nature lovers can enjoy seeing dozens of animal and plant species by exploring the trails at The Wellington Environmental Preserve at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Everglades Habitat (Section 24) located on Flying COW Road. Don’t forget to stop by the many learning centers at the Preserve, as well as the six-story observation tower.

Open Gym at Village Park is available to residents and non-residents. Make sure you register at Village Park (561-791-4000) to participate. There are also numerous athletic programs for our younger residents including basketball, softball, soccer, Taekwondo, and many more. You can find more information and register for many programs on the Village’s website.

On behalf of Council and staff, I wish everyone the best for 2021.  There is so much to look forward to as we kick off this New Year; I encourage you to participate in our quality, fun, family-friendly events, and to stay active this year.  It is an honor to serve and work with you, and I can’t wait to see everyone around the Village this year and at all our upcoming events.