The Silver Lining


The Silver Lining

By Briana D’Andrea

There’s always a silver lining, you just have to look for it. We have been in quarantine for 72 days and counting. There have been some major wins and some major losses that’s for sure. Families torn apart, lives taken and lessons learned. We’ve stretched ourselves in ways we never thought possible. We took on roles we could never envision stepping in to. My heart truly goes out to all of the people greatly affected by Covid-19, but I’m here to share some of the positive perspectives, I for one have experienced, because if nothing else, it’s a therapeutic practice you should give a try.

The other day, I had a flashback about the time my son graduated from preschool and was off to grade school. I remember literally sitting in my bed crying and eating ice cream, thinking how fast time flew and that my first born baby was all grown up. How he won’t need his mama anymore. Of course looking back, it was probably a tad melodramatic and I did get past that phase. Fast-forward to present day, where I’ve had to put on a new hat of being his teacher among other things, has given me a couple of moments I never thought I would be so fortunate to receive. When he has a math problem, he comes to me, when he has a Wifi problem…who does he go to? Me. When he simply wants to sneak in a hug? You betcha…me! While at times the idea of being all the things to my children has been nothing short of overwhelming, it also has been a time that I will forever cherish. The time I will look back on and say I got to sneak in those extra hours just us, when they could’ve been in school and I was out and about working and running errands.

I’ve learned who my true friends and people are in the midst of all this. Who is checking in on me and who is there for me no matter what. It almost helps to keep the good and weed out the bad in a more timely fashion, if you will. My marriage has stood the test of time, because god knows being stuck at home with anyone much less your significant other is a true test of your love. I’ve started a podcast called momgirlpod, dedicated to helping other moms become the best versions of themselves along side my blog I’ve binged watched shows (which I never used have the time to do), started a cookbook and read countless books too. We’ve gone fishing, had picnics, gone on bike rides, made tie dye t-shirts, baked, cooked, crafts, built forts, played video games and board games and drove countless hours exploring new areas we never knew about. My team has grown, my business has grown and my wallet has too (thanks to not eating out as much) and I’ve been able to take on more self-care than I really care to. Can anyone say at home mani/pedi?

Now don’t get me wrong, this time has been stressful, I’ve eaten more than I like to admit, but I’ve been working out way more than I had before. It does suck to not get dressed up and go out with friends, but we’ve been able to get creative with ways to stay in touch virtually. Date night could’ve been a thing of the past, but now my husband and I have a standing date every Tuesday night, which we never had! I’ve become a pro at charcuterie board making thanks to that! I’ve learned that going forward, I’m going to say no to more things and yes to only things that really bring me pure joy! Plus, I’ve been able to watch my children learn things right before my very eyes! I almost liken it to being there for their first word or their first step. Motherhood is most definitely a blur of sorts, but if you step back and put on your glasses lol, you most definitely will see that there is always a silver lining…what’s yours?

-Briana D’Andrea
